While looking for a small desk, we fell in love with concrete. Because nothing we liked was the right size. So we decided: “Let’s just build it ourselves – out of concrete.” Said and done. The first concrete table was poured. Back then in our kitchen. At the time, we never thought that our own company would emerge from this.

Sometimes you just have to start, stick with it and follow your feelings. Due to the positive reception and the fun we had, a 13 m² “small” basement room was quickly converted into a workshop. Shelves, small casting table, materials, tools, no sink - broadly speaking, it was chaos. But: the ideas just flowed and everything we saw sparked new ones in us. This is how our first products were created here. And not only that, we even carried out commissioned work for two cafés there. The only thing impossible is what you don't try.

In order to finally venture outside and show our products to an audience, we went to our first Stijlmarkt in Mainz at the beginning of 2015. Totally excited, overly tired (haven't slept for 3 days) and with way too much in my luggage. Our stand design: completely black – in retrospect, not the best of our ideas. Nevertheless: Our things were well received. Until then, however, we only had business cards with a website on them that didn't yet exist. Or only half-finished. So this had to be done quickly. But as the saying goes: “Things usually turn out differently than you think” and “good things take time.” The website actually only went online in November 2015. But with full joy and already some impatient fans.

Our website launched at the end of 2015 and we became more aware from week to week: the basement space won't last much longer and, in addition to our job, it's starting to get tight. A real workshop was needed and the job was terminated. But finding something small in Frankfurt is not that easy. Luckily, a carpenter friend of mine was also looking. And so in May 2016, a cute workshop of almost 66m² quickly became a production shared apartment. Among other things, the concrete counters for the Café Talbub (F) & BLCKBRD (OF) as well as the large floor tiles for the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management were created here. Which once again brought us to our (space) limits. So after just 5 months we started looking for a new location again.

After an eternal search, we were on the verge of being homeless. Plan B – to put the company on ice – has already been worked on. Because: We had finally found something, but for tragic reasons the new hall was not available and remained full for months from the previous tenant. The rental agreement negotiations dragged on forever, and in the end, after postponing our move several times, we actually had to move out of the old workshop. Because a truck drove into the adjoining rooms - the building was in danger of collapsing. When it comes, it comes right. How should things continue?