In August we finally got the GO! The hall was finally empty and we could move. Key handover on August 2nd, 2017. 3 days later, within one day, we moved the entire workshop and our basement storage. The very next day we started renovating our new studio. The joy was huge!

But no key to happiness? That's how it is with a startup - sometimes everything seems to fit together perfectly, other times it feels like it's going backwards and downhill. The renovation work dragged on, the floor of the hall somehow kept getting damp, our things barely dried and, last but not least, the heating stopped.

“There is no such thing as giving up”
But: Taking one step back after taking two steps forward is not a defeat, but a cha-cha-cha. Giving up wasn't an option. So we made the best of it. We joked with the craftsmen and made friends with the neighbors (after all, they have warm coffee and a toilet).
We clarified what needed to be clarified, canceled what needed to be canceled, postponed what needed to be postponed and informed our customers on all channels. Our production was reduced to a minimum and contract work was completely stopped. Nothing worked here anymore. Take a deep breath and breathe deeply.

What is worth waiting for. After 3 months of intensive renovation including new installation of toilet facilities, kitchen and heating, we were finally done with the worst of it. And gratefully swam from the stress of renovations into a flood of Christmas orders. Furniture was bought, aprons were strapped on and packages were sent!
Also the first OPEN SHOWROOM Our last minute Christmas shopping was a complete success.

To finish off our dream, we treated ourselves to a visit from a graffiti artist, Justus Becker aka. COR. We had been eyeing the large wall in the new hall for a long time to make it something special. And that's what he did with it.

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